  The Caltech Institute Archives

Interview with Lee A. DuBridge, Part I

DuBridge, Lee A. (2003) Interview with Lee A. DuBridge, Part I. [Oral History]

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Physicist Lee A. DuBridge became president of the California Institute of Technology in 1946. In this interview he recalls the immediate problems he faced, including his dealings with Robert A. Millikan, whom he replaced as chief administrator of the institute; institute financing and inadequate salaries. DuBridge also talks about the advent of federal support for peacetime science and Millikan's distaste for it; his close working relationship with Robert F. Bacher, who came to the institute in 1949 as chairman of the Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy; his recollections of the meteorologist Irving P. Krick, the physicist Alexander Goetz, and the chemist Linus Pauling; and his attempts to build up the Humanities Division.

Item Type:Oral History
Additional Information:Parts I and II of the Lee A. DuBridge interview are published as "A Conversation with Lee Alvin DuBridge" in Physics in Perspective, 5 (2003), 174-205, 281-309. The original version of the interview is available in book form in the Caltech Archives.
Keywords:Physics, administration
Record Number:CaltechOH:OH_DuBridge_1
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Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
Subjects:Subjects > Administration
Subjects > Physics
All Records
ID Code:198
Deposited By: Oral Histories Administrator
Deposited On:19 Mar 2012 21:38
Last Modified:04 Oct 2019 15:23

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